* excursion : 짧은여행, 소풍

(ex) excursion train : 유람 열차, lunar excursion module(lem) : 달착륙선, alarums and excursions : 야단법석

(cf.) airng oneself, a waling tour, an excursion : 소풍

* confer: (vt)수여하다, (vi)의논하다

(ex) confer an award on a person, He asked for some time to confer with his lawyers

* infer: (vt)추론하다 ( = deduce)

(ex) I inferred from what she said that you have not been well.

* deteriorate : 악화되다

(ex) His health deteriorated.

* brake : 브레이크

(ex) put on the brakes, hit the brakes, apply the brakes : 브레이크를 밟다; 견제하다(비유), jam(slam) on the brakes : 급브레이크를 밟다

* screech : scream, 날카로운 소리를 내다

(ex) The birds screeched out of surprise, screech to a halt : 끽 소리를 내며 멈추다, 급정지하다

* mop : 대걸레

(ex) Mrs. mop : 청소부아줌마, give sth a mop : ~에 대걸레를 걸다

* mob : 군중

(ex) mob psychology : 군중심리

* flop : 쿵쓰러지다, 변절하다

(ex) flop down on the couch : 소파에 털썩 주저앉다, flop over to the other party :  변절하여 반대당으로 가다

* flip : 튀겨날리다, 넘기다(뒤집다)

(ex) flip the ash off a cigar, flip a person on the ear(=flip a person’s ear), He flipped the page open, He flipped the page closed, flip at a horse with a whip, make a flip(가볍게 치다), give a hamburger a flip(햄버거를 한 번 뒤집다)


English 2014. 3. 8. 13:06


set a lamp on the TV

set a vase on its side (꽃병을 눕혀 놓다)

set a stick against the wall (벽에 기대 세우다)


a ring set with diamonds

set plants (묘목을 심다)

set a post in the ground

set the glass in the window


set a custard (커스터드를 굳히다)

He set his mouth in a straight line

His face was set (표정이 굳어 있었다)

The mortar is set (회반죽이 굳었다)

* motor(/ou/), mortar(/au/)


set a hen (닭이 알을 품게하다)


set the detective on the case

set pickets around the camp (야영지 주변에 보초를 배치하다)


set a time limit

set a speed limit

set a regular pace

set the fashion (유행을 만들어내다)


set a cup to one’s lips (컵에 입을 대다)

set pen to paper (쓰기 시작하다)

set a match to the papers (신문지에 성냥으로 불을 붙이다)


set a price on sth (~에 가격을 매기다)

I set this rare book at $100,000.


set a poem(words) to music (곡에 가사를 붙이다)


set a person a prblem (남에게 문제를 과하다)

set homework to students (학생들에게 숙제를 내주다)

set easy questions in an examinations (쉬운 시험 문제를 내다)


set one’s direction to the west

set one’s mind on success

He set his mind on resignation (그만두기로 마음을 굳히다)


set the trash on fire

set a person free

set one’s room in order

set one’s mind at ease

set an engine going(in motion)

The noise set the dogs barking


set a trap

set the table (식사준비를 하다)

lay the table (식사준비를 하다, 영국식)

set the oven timer for 10 minutes

set one’s clock by the radio



The glue has set (아교가 굳었다)

His eyes set resolutely (결연한 눈빛이 보였다)

* be resolute for peace. He is resolute to fight.

The suit sets well

The suit sets badly

The wind sets (to the) south

Her mind sets to revenge

The dog sets well (그 개는 사냥감을 잘 가르킨다)

The sun has set in the west



a six-piece tea set (6인분의 홍차 세트)

a set of proposals

a complete set of Shakespeare

a set of criminals (범인 일당)

influential sets (유력자들)

the set of one’s features (이목구비)

the set of a coat (웃옷의 매무새)

The set of  his political beliefs was clear to everyone (정치적 신념의 경향)

a stage set (무대 장치)

a three-set match (3세트 게임, 테니스에서)


English 2014. 3. 8. 13:05

1. 작은 숲( < forest), 과수원(orchard)

a picnic grove

a bamboo grove

an orange grove

a citrus orchard

an apple orchard

2. 거리(가로수가 있는 거리명)


* plantation

a coffee plantation – 커피농장

plantation songs – 흑인 노동요

a fir plantation – 전나무 숲

Word & Usage

English 2014. 3. 8. 13:05

1. similat & comparable

She looks similar to her mother. (O)

She looks similar with her mother. (X)

The weather in Spain can be comparable with the weather in Porgugal. (O)

The weather in Spain can be comparable to that in Porgugal. (O)

2. manifest

What is an id? Is it a psychological term referring to the part of the mind in which innate instinctive impulses and primary processes are manifest? Not in this case: it stands for identifier, and it’s pronounced “eye dee”.